Thursday, April 4, 2013

What I Hate: #1 Smart People Pretending to be Dumb


This Fucking pisses me off on so many levels. Fucking with a capital "F".

Smart people who pretend to be dumb.

There are usually two examples that can be shown more obviously than others.

The first, in our classrooms.
There's always that kid, usually an asian, no racism intended, who thinks that getting an A- is some kind of horrible sin and their whole freaking family would burn in the firey depths of hell because of it. GTFO.
We know you're smart. Okay, we get it.
But there is absolutely no need for you to declare to the whole class that you got an A- and you're going to be so sad and cry all night, boo-hoo, while the entire class glares at you with their Cs and Ds.

I've seen this so much my whole school career and it still manages to make me want to shat in their open mouths whilst plugging up their nostrils to prevent ventilation.

Believe it or not, many of us work hard to get good grades too, we truly do. But, guess what, we also have social lives, sports, and extracurriculars.

Now before you refute my opinion, let me explain what I'm gettting at.
I'm not saying that students involved in many activites always get Cs and Ds, in fact I know of many well rounded individuals that have astounding grades.
I did not make that generalization.
But what I am saying is that, from my experience, kids who complain to the whole class about their low A or high B grades are what I use to wipe my butt don't usually do anything other than devote their entire living hour searching up Star Wars porn or reading the math textbook for fun.

These kids usually don't understand how hard it is to get good grades while involved in lots of extracurriculars. So logically they don't see the need to show others empathy by shutting up their mouths.
That is my reasoning to why they feel the need to brag about their "horrible grades".

On the otherhand, the people I know who get good grades and are in lots of extracurriculars don't feel the need to act all obnoxious. Because they understand how hard others have to work. They're usually the ones in my class that are quiet, polite, and pay attention.

Second example.

The second example is just plain sad.

The women on this planet called Earth who still in the year 2013 believe that they are to be controlled by men. And they try to play dumb so the male wouldn't feel intimidated and hopefully ask her out. That's just pathetic.

I know this isn't the case with all people these days but you have to admit it applies to a lot of people nonetheless.
A girl who's smart in her own righteousness, because she's horomonely driven, horny, and stupid, lowers herself in order to appeal to a male with sagging pants, a backward "snapback", and so many chains around their neck that he makes the Home Depot chain-selling aisle blush.

Or not even in a ghetto neighborhood. Lets take the adult world for example.

A university graduated woman enters a business and because she's a woman, many of her male co-workers, especially her boss, don't always treat her with the respect she deserves. And she takes the shit. Because there isn't much she can do.
Sounds so impossible?
"This can't be true, we live in the 21st century, this is llike not allowed, we have laws in place blah blah blah blah"
Thats what they said during Hitler's reign. The Americans sat back, covered their eyes, and chose to believe that none of it was happening because it the 1940s for Godsake! We have laws in place; he can't kill all those people, it can't blah blah blah blah.
But it happened right? 8 billion massacred.

So why would this be any different?

To sum this up, we discussed two completely different scenarios and I'm sure there's way more.
In the first one, the kid who "crys" about his/or her A- or B+ should just shut the fuck up.
In  the second, with the women (or men, if your wife is like the ones in Japanese cartoons with the scary butcher knife chasing after you) should step up and claim respect, cause quite frankly- you deserve it.

Kate Zoe Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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