Thursday, February 6, 2014

What I Hate: #3 Society Placing the Blame on Hispanics

Historically, whenever something unforeseen or an epidemic occurs, Jews were to blame for it all. Whether it be the black plague when all the white Europeans died because of their lack of sanitation or the economic status of Germany during WWII, they blamed it on the Jews.

The Jewish were blamed for the plague because almost everyone else died in Europe but they didn't. Hey, maybe it'd help if you took a fucking shower once in a while.

But either way, people are always trying to place the blame on others. Especially America.
The land of equal opportunity and diverse demographics.

Let's get to the main point, Hispanics are being used as today's scapegoat for essentially EVERYTHING.

You didn't get that job you applied for? AWWW DANG IT. It's all that stupid Pablo's fault, stealing American jobs.
You heard your child's been smoking pot? AWWW FUCK. It's all those Hispanic kids in school, dealing with drugs, smuggling it into our country.
You scared to walk out the door cause the Hispanic guy across the street might be in a gang? AWW SUCKS FOR YOU.

Alright let's get some facts straight. I love America but there are some really stupid, ignorant people in this country who believe everything they are fed.

Never have I ever seen so much wrongful shit thrown at such a race of hardworking, honest people who know how to party.

The first thing they are incessantly blamed for is the economy.

From an excerpt by Parogar,

"Thanks to a bunch of charismatic morons who excel at getting people to believe lies, many Americans ACTUALLY believe that our failing economy is because of Hispanic immigrants, whether they be legal, illegal, or not immigrants at all and were born here. Mexicans and other Hispanics are not the reason why America's economy is so poorly. No, the reason we're doing horribly is because 99% of our nation's wealth is in the hands of 1% of the people. It is astonishing to me that people can blame Mexicans for the poor economy. For that to be true, Mexican people would have to be the ones holding onto that coveted 99% of the nation's wealth, but low and behold, studies show that 90% of Mexicans aren't wealthy, and that Mexicans are the lowest-earning group in America- yet this is somehow their fault? I'd like to see someone angrily walk up to a group of ten Mexians and shout, 'GIVE ME ALL YOUR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS YOU RICH BASTARDS!'"

The second problem is how the American media protrays the Hispanic race.

Parogar: "Stupid, insect-brained imbeciles believe-thanks in part to Fox News- that Hispanics are violent, drug-dealing war criminals, who prowl the streets at night looking to steal American jobs and smuggle cocaine. When I was a kid, I used to hear horrible things about black people. Now, I hear black people laughing together with white people while saying horrible things about Hispanics, Arabs, and oftentimes Asians. What makes a job an 'American job'? What makes you so fucking special that you deserve work and someone else doesn't?"

What I'm about to say will offend many of my fellow countrymen and countrywomen. YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE BORN HERE.

Being born in a certain location does not make you superior to any other kind of person; being a certain skin color does not place you on a pedestal over anybody.

Not only do Hispanics have to work harder, but they get payed much less for the same job. Then they are blamed for our dying economy.

What kind of stupid, motherfucker would buy into that nonsense??

And now moving onto the idea that Hispanics are violent druggies.

I go to a heavily white populated high school and lemme tell you something.
All the druggies I know are as white as snow or Asian like me. (personally I think drugs are disgusting)

According to Huffington Post, more than 20% of white people have tried cocaine while BLACK AND LATINOS only account for 10%!

And for those who don't know the difference between Latinos and Mexicans, Latinos covers a VERY VERY BROAD category of people.

So in conclusion, that guy you work with at Home Depot? You better respect him or else I'll personally come and find you and cut off your carrot and stick it in your watermelon.

Last but not least, one of my favorite quotes from Salvador Dali a famous Spanish surrealist painter,
"I don't do drugs, I am drugs"

  Kate Zoe Copyright 2014. All Rights Reserved.


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